Are you the proud new owner of a beautiful pool? If so, then congratulations on your new addition! If you want to continue to enjoy the benefits of your pool year-round, you need to understand how to maintain it properly. 

Let’s take a closer look at some pool maintenance essentials that you need to get the most use out of your new addition. 

Cover It Up

If your pool sits underneath a protected area such as a screened-in deck, you may think you don’t need to purchase a cover for it. However, that’s not true, and a screened-in deck still does not offer a lot of protection. A pool cover is an essential tool that every pool owner should have regardless if it is located inside or outside your home.

Did you know that a pool cover can help you maintain water levels? Yes, you read that right. A form-fitting cover helps to decrease the natural process of evaporation of your pool water. This is extremely helpful during the hotter months when evaporation occurs at a faster rate. 

During the process of evaporation, water levels can drop significantly, creating even more problems such as: 

  • imbalanced chemicals
  • create a dangerous environment for swimmers 
  • increased risk for algae and bacteria growth

Still not convinced you to need one? Well, a cover can also keep out animals, bugs, and other debris. Trust me; you don’t want to be swimming with an uninvited guest like a water moccasin or swim through a bunch of leaves.  


Tools can help you get the dirt and grime off the inside of your pool and around your deck. As a new pool owner, you need to make sure that you have a few different tools at your disposal to tackle any problem at hand. Here are a few pool maintenance essentials you should always have, which include: 

  • vacuum 
  • skimmer
  • brush 

Be careful! The type of tool you use could either help or damage the lining of your pool and other areas you need to clean. Take into consideration the type of surface you will be cleaning to ensure you do not cause permanent damage. 


A vacuum is a great tool to have on hand when keeping your pool clean. Most pool vacuums are automatic and do the work for you by scraping the pool’s bottom and sides. These can run even when you are not home to ensure you come back to a sparkling pool.  

Leaf Skimmer

A handheld skimmer is great for getting any debris that the pool skimmers might have missed. It’s best to skim your pool once a day or as needed to prevent debris from floating down to the bottom of the pool. Dead leaves and animals can end up on the pool floor and stain it, leaving a bigger mess for you to clean up. 

Attaching this skimmer head to the end of a telescopic pole will help you reach the depths of your deep end with no problem. Most poles are adjustable and range anywhere from 15 to 21 feet.


Brushes allow you to scrape off stains and overgrowth on your pool liner or deck. These brushes can be used on every surface of your pool, from the walls, railings, and even fiberglass. Always make sure that the bristles will not ruin the surface you are about to clean. Using the wrong brush on the wrong surface could cause irreversible damage and leave tiny scrapes that bacteria and algae can grow and hide.  


Cleaning the water of your pool means you need to decide on the right cleaner or pool shock for you. Typically, you will need to choose between chlorine and non-chlorine products. Before you get overwhelmed, there are a few factors to keep in mind, which are:

  • the temperature of your pool 
  • budget 
  • Is anyone allergic to chlorine?

The answers to these questions will help you narrow down the products you need. These chemicals work on a microscopic level to kill off algae and bacteria that may be lingering in your pool water. Don’t be afraid of bacteria or algae growth; it is an entirely normal occurrence. That’s why it’s essential to maintain a regular cleaning routine once you have settled on the product you will be using. 

Test Kits 

The main goal of a test kit is to help you regulate the water by checking chemical levels. These will tell you how safe the water is and if you need to add more or less pool shock to the water. Having these in your arsenal is extremely important. 

High doses of chemicals can cause skin and eye irritation in swimmers. Low doses can leave room for algae and bacteria growth, creating an unsafe swimming experience.  

Check the Circulation System

Your pool’s circulation system is vital in keeping the water clean and safe for swimmers. There are a few different components to the circulation system that should be monitored and checked regularly to ensure they are working correctly; these include: 

  • filter 
  • pump 
  • skimmers/ drains 

Without these mechanics, the pool water would stay stagnant and accumulate bacteria and debris. 


Depending on the type of pool you own, the pump will be below the water level in an in-ground pool. Or above the water level in an above ground pool. Either way, this is necessary for clear water. The pump works to circulate the water through different mechanics to keep the water clean and fresh. 


Once the water begins circulating, it goes through the pool filter. This is where cleaning and filtration happens. It helps to remove things such as:

  • high doses of chemicals 
  • dirt 
  • algae 
  • bacteria 

Skimmer & Drains 

Of course, the filter can only do so much by removing small microscopic particles, but what about large debris such as leaves or bugs? This is where the skimmers and drains come in to play. In an in-ground pool, the skimmers are located on the sides at the waterline. These create surface tension to draw out the debris of any kind. 

The drains are typically located at the bottom of a pool and flow water to the pump to improve circulation. It is important to note that not all pools have drains.  

Pool Maintenance Essentials: Conclusion 

Need more information on pool maintenance essentials? We’ve got tons of new up-to-date blog content daily that will help you find the answer to all of your pool maintenance questions. If you’re interested in adding a new addition to your home, contact us today to get more information on our custom-built pools.