Year-Round Pool Care: Top Tips from Our Orlando Pool Contractors at Artesian Pools

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Year-Round Pool Care: Top Tips from Our Orlando Pool Contractors at Artesian Pools

Many dream of owning a pool in sunny Orlando. However, maintaining that oasis can be daunting without the proper knowledge and guidance. At Artesian Pools, our expert Orlando pool contractors are here to share their top tips for year-round pool care, ensuring your pool remains pristine and inviting every day of the year.

Understanding Orlando’s Climate

Orlando’s warm, humid climate presents unique challenges and opportunities for pool owners. With mild winters and hot, rainy summers, it’s crucial to adjust your pool care routine to align with the changing weather patterns.

Seasonal Pool Maintenance Guide

Winter Maintenance

Keeping your pool clean and balanced is essential, even in the mild Orlando winters. Lower usage means debris can accumulate, so regular skimming and covering your pool can prevent more significant issues.

Spring Cleaning and Prep

Spring is the perfect time to clean your pool deep, check all equipment, and balance the water chemistry. It’s also an excellent time to inspect for any winter damage.

Summer Upkeep

With frequent use and higher temperatures, summer pool maintenance focuses on more frequent cleaning and chemical checks to keep the water clear and safe.

Fall Care Tips

Preventing debris from clogging your filters becomes a priority as the leaves fall. Regular skimming and checking your equipment can save you from significant maintenance issues.

Weekly Pool Maintenance Essentials

Skimming and Cleaning Debris

Removing leaves, bugs, and other debris keeps your pool looking great and prevents clogs in your filtration system.

Checking and Balancing Water Chemistry

Test your water at least once a week to ensure the pH, chlorine, and alkalinity levels are balanced. This prevents algae growth and keeps the water safe for swimming.

Equipment Inspection and Maintenance

Check your pool’s pump, filter, and other equipment regularly to ensure they function correctly. Address any issues promptly to avoid costly repairs.

Monthly Pool Maintenance Checklist

Deep Cleaning Filters

Once a month, deep clean your pool filters to remove any buildup that regular cleaning might miss.

Inspecting Pool Structure

To address issues early, look for cracks, leaks, or signs of wear and tear in your pool’s structure.

Backwashing Procedures

Backwash your filter system to keep it operating efficiently and to prolong its life.

Water Chemistry 101

Understanding pH Levels

Maintaining a pH level between 7.2 and 7.6 is critical for swimmer comfort and the effectiveness of chlorine.

Importance of Chlorine

Chlorine sanitizes your pool, keeping it free from harmful bacteria and algae. Ensure your levels are consistently within the recommended range.

Balancing Alkalinity and Calcium Hardness

Proper alkalinity and calcium hardness prevent corrosion and scaling, protecting your pool’s surfaces and equipment.

Pool Equipment Maintenance

Regular Pump and Filter Checks

Ensure your pump and filter are clean and working efficiently. Clean out skimmer baskets and pump strainer baskets regularly.

Heater Maintenance

If you have a pool heater, it’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines to keep it running smoothly.

Cleaning the Pool Cover

A clean pool cover looks better and helps maintain water temperature and reduce debris.

Preventing Common Pool Problems

Algae Prevention and Treatment

Regular brushing and maintaining proper chemical levels prevent algae blooms. If algae appear, shock the pool and scrub the surfaces.

Addressing Cloudy Water

Cloudy water is often a sign of imbalanced chemicals or dirty filters. To resolve this issue, test and adjust your water chemistry and clean your filters.

Preventing and Fixing Leaks

Monitor your water level regularly. If you notice a significant drop, inspect for leaks and repair them promptly to prevent damage.

Energy Efficiency Tips for Pools

Using Energy-Efficient Pumps

Modern, energy-efficient pumps can reduce your energy costs significantly. Consider upgrading if your pump is older.

Solar Heating Options

Solar covers and heaters can maintain comfortable water temperatures without high energy costs.

Smart Pool Covers

Invest in an intelligent pool cover that helps retain heat, reduce evaporation, and remove debris.

Safety Measures for Pool Owners

Regular Safety Checks

Ensure all safety equipment, such as pool fences, alarms, and lifesaving equipment, is in good condition and accessible.

Proper Signage

Use clear signs to indicate pool rules and emergency information.

Fencing and Alarms

Install proper fencing and alarms to prevent accidents, especially if you have children or pets.


  1. How often should I check my pool’s pH levels? Check your pool’s pH levels at least once a week to ensure the water remains balanced and safe for swimming.
  2. What is the best way to prevent algae in my pool? Maintaining proper chemical levels and regularly brushing pool surfaces are vital to preventing algae growth.
  3. How do I choose an energy-efficient pump? Look for pumps with variable speeds and check for energy efficiency ratings. Consult with a professional for recommendations suited to your pool size and usage.
  4. What are the benefits of hiring a professional pool contractor? When you choose Artesian Pools as your local Orlando pool contractor, you opt for expertise, reliability, and peace of mind. We offer personalized custom-built pools for all clients to enjoy year-round. With Artesian Pools, you can enjoy your pool knowing that your oasis is in the hands of dedicated experts who care about your satisfaction and the longevity of your pool.
Dive Into Worry-Free Pool Ownership with Artesian Pools!

In conclusion, maintaining your pool year-round doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right tips, tools, and professional support, your pool can stay in top condition regardless of season. Trust Artesian Pools, your reliable Orlando pool contractor, to build the pool of your dreams for you and your family. Ready to enjoy a custom-built pool? Contact Artesian Pools today, and let’s get started!