Should You Allow Your Dog to Swim in Your Pool? Pros and Cons

When it comes to exercise, pools are an excellent way for you and your dog to have fun this summer and stay cool. While several advantages come with letting your dog swim in your pool, the same can’t be said regarding the disadvantages. Although many people treat their dogs like a part of their family, some activities may be better left excluding your furry friend from more so for their safety. The debate continues: so, should you allow your dog to swim in your pool? Read on to learn more.  

The Pros of Allowing Your Dog to Swim in Your Pool

Summer temperatures in Florida can reach up to 92 °F during peak sun hours. Most of the time, the humidity is what makes these days even hotter and less bearable to be outside. Although relaxing in an air-conditioned home is more comfortable than sweating outside, it’s not the best way to spend your summer. Pool owners rejoice when the summer months come around because that means they can cool off without being stuck indoors. 

There are tons of advantages in allowing your dog in the pool with you and your family. Dogs tend to overheat very quickly; therefore, a nice paddle around the pool is just the trick to keep overheating at bay. It’s also a great way to give your dog the daily exercise they need without increasing the chances of heat exhaustion. Not to mention the benefit of swimming has for older dogs with arthritis and pains. Plus, you get to enjoy time together as a family without having to exclude your furry companion. 

The Cons of Allowing Your Dog to Swim in Your Pool

Although the advantages are many, there are also cons to allowing your dog in the pool. The top disadvantage is that not all dogs instinctively know how to swim. Even the most experienced swimmers can fall victim to drowning. Therefore, you must supervise your dog at all times regardless of the swimming experience. 

Now, let’s discuss chemicals. Like humans, dogs are sensitive to chemicals in pool water, and these irritants can cause irritated eyes and nose issues. It’s always best to make sure you rinse off your dog thoroughly after a swim and apply shampoo or conditioner to prevent chlorine build-up and damage to your best pal’s fur coat. 


As pet owners, we become so attached to our dogs we no longer think of them as pets but as family members. It can be hard to exclude them from family fun activities, especially with the many advantages a swim can have for them. If you do want your pup to join you on your next morning swim, here are a few things to take into consideration such as:

  • does your dog know how to swim?
  • will you be able to supervise them at all times?
  • does your dog like to swim? 
  • has your dog had a bad reaction to the chlorine?

If you want a second opinion if you should allow your dog in the pool or not, the best person to turn to would be your vet. A veterinarian who knows your dog’s health will be able to give you a knowledgeable and expert opinion on the matter and will be looking out for the best interest of your dog, whether the answer is yes or no. 

As a pool owner, it’s essential to understand all aspects of your pool. If you want to keep up with the latest information and news, check out our blogs which are updated monthly and filled with valuable information you won’t want to miss out on. At Artesian Pools, we take pride in our ability to bring our customer’s dreams to life by building custom-designed pools to fit any home. Contact us today to learn more about what makes us the best around. 

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