When it comes to swimming pools, there are loads of myths. Whether it’s having to wait a certain amount of time after eating or scary stories about chlorine, myths abound. If you’re thinking of building a pool or are just curious, you may want to know that not all myths are true.

Let’s debunk some common myths surrounding swimming pools so you can enjoy your time splashing around this summer. 

You need to wait an hour before swimming after eating

One of the most common beliefs about swimming is that you need to wait one hour before swimming after eating. While it is possible that overworking your muscles in the pool after eating can cause cramps, it’s not that likely. But if you’re worried about getting cramps, eating a light meal and easing into swimming will help ensure this myth doesn’t come true.  

Peeing in the pool will change the water color

Admittedly a joking and funny myth, many people spread the rumor that peeing in the pool will turn the water blue. Throughout the years, parents and pool owners would spread the myth to keep little ones from having accidents in the pool. The truth is that, no, peeing in the pool will not change the water color whatsoever. 

If your water is clear, it’s clean

You’ve heard that appearances can be deceiving, and the same goes for swimming pools. Even though you might have a crystal clear pool, its true health is measured by chemistry.  Make sure you test the water weekly and monitor the levels. 

If you can smell chlorine, it means there’s too much

Many people believe that if you can smell the chlorine, it means there’s too much in the pool. But the truth is that the opposite is actually true. This is because chlorine attaches to bacteria and creates chloramines, and when shocking the pool, the chloramines get into the air. This means that if you smell it, it’s not working in the water and you actually have to add more chlorine. 

Chlorine can turn your hair different colors

A big myth surrounding pools is that chlorine can turn hair different colors, particularly blonde hair turning green. However, chlorine is actually not the one to blame in this situation – it’s actually copper from algaecides. However, any discoloration can be removed with a shampoo that strips color or by using a conditioner prior to swimming.

You’ll burn your eyes if you open them underwater 

If you’re sensing a pattern, you’ll notice that chlorine is at the center of many swimming pools myths. This time, it’s the myth that if you open your eyes underwater, they’ll burn from the chlorine. However, the cause of burning actually comes from an unbalanced pH level, so simply monitoring the levels will help avoid burning.

Saltwater pools don’t need chlorine

Many people opt for a saltwater pool because they don’t want chlorine, but the truth is that even these pools need chlorine. In order to be sanitary, the saltwater is forced across a metal cell with an electrical current causing chlorine to be created through electrolysis. Another misconception is that saltwater pools don’t need to be shocked, but to keep things clean, they do.

Hopefully, now you feel more confident in your swimming pool knowledge and can put those myths to rest. If you still have some questions regarding pool maintenance, contact one of our professionals at Artesian Pools today.

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