Orlando Pool Builder Professionals

orlando pool builder professionals

If there are two things Americans love it’s health crazes and swimming pools. So let’s put the two together. We don’t just mean by swimming around in the pool. While this is helpful there are other ways to use the pool for health. One is called Resistance Training.

Resistance training is pretty self-explanatory. It’s training using some form of resistance. This can include resistance bands, weights, or water. We are going to focus on the latter option. When we move through water there is resistance. You have felt this if you have been in any form of water. Even a bathtub. Bathtubs are not great for resistance training though. Not enough of your body can get underwater. Also, it looks weird when your spouse walks in and your dancing in the bathtub. So let’s stick to the pool for our resistance training.

The more you submerge your body, the more resistance it meets. The more resistance, the better the workout. By walking through the water in your pool you can feel the resistance it offers. Now it’s using this to your advantage.

Let’s look at some simple resistance training techniques you can use in the pool.

Marching: March to the beach of your own drum. Make sure you do it in the water though. While standing in place do simple marching movements. Lift your knees up and down while swinging your arms by your side. This is a great warm-up exercise.

Marching But Sideways: Waiting is waiting taking up space so let’s move. Using the marching movements from before going side to side. Move to the left a few steps then move right.

Board Shuffle: The fitness loving brother of the truffle shuffle. To do a board shuffle stand straight. Then take a big step to the left with the left foot. Pull the right foot to meet it. Now you’re doing the board shuffle! Keep repeating that until you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger

Feel Powerful: This isn’t actually an exercise. Take a moment and feel powerful. You are training yourself to be healthier and you deserve to feel good about that.

Rotational Wake: Back to the exercise. This time you are going to take a wide stance. Put your hands in front of you stretched out. Place your palms together like you are clapping. Now use your hips to rotate from left to right in 180-degree arches.

These are a great way to get started with resistance training in the pool. Use these to get use to the feeling and start expanding into new exercises. In time you will find these exercises easier and easier to do. The best part is when you are done exercising you can relax in the pool.

What if you don’t have your own pool? You can do this in a public pool if you don’t mind getting interrupted. You could call the Orlando Pool Builder Professionals at Artesian Pools. With years of experience they can build the perfect gym for you. By gym we of course mean custom pool.

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